

作者:郑州知网 日期:2020-06-05 人气:3249


1019,世界直销协会联盟今天宣布了如新企业总裁,首席执行官Truman Hunt 先生已当选为世界直销协会联盟主席,并立即上任的消息。在世界直销协会联盟主席为期三年的任期内Hunt先生将继续担任其在如新企业内的首席执行官职务。  


Nu Skin Enterprises Chief Executive Appointed as Chairman of World Federation of Direct Selling Associations

Wednesday October 19, 3:29 pm ET

LONDON, Oct. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations today announced the election of Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS - News) President and Chief Executive Officer Truman Hunt as chairman of its board of directors, effective immediately. During the three-year appointment, Hunt will retain full responsibilities as Nu Skin Enterprises chief executive.


"I am extremely honored by this appointment and look forward to serving with colleagues from around the world to promote the direct selling industry,"




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