

作者:郑州知网 日期:2020-06-05 人气:6986



雅芳公司的代表Maciej Rybicki 说:“我们正与政府密切合作尽一切努力查清这种情况发生的原因。”






Avon shuts Polish plant after employees fall ill

Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 AM ET

WARSAW, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Avon Products (AVP.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , the worlds largest direct seller of cosmetics, has shut down its Polish cosmetics factory after several employees fell ill, the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

The factory was closed on Sunday and part of Monday after workers on the weekend shift reported feeling ill. It opened on Monday evening but was shuttered once again on Tuesday morning after 10 people were taken to hospital.

Avon said the 3,500 employees at the plant and an attached distribution centre had been put on paid leave until the cause of the illnesses was identified.

"We are working closely with the local authorities, and are doing everything we can to find the cause of the incident and clarify the situation," Avon representative Maciej Rybicki said in a statement.

The statement did not say when Avon expected the plant to reopen.




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